
Our toddler program introduces children to a more structured routine while still allowing them opportunities to explore and learn through free-play indoors and outside.

Children in our toddler room enjoy stations throughout their spacious room, which include a play kitchen area, dress-up area, building block area, a quiet area to look at picture books, and many other themed areas.  During the structured part of their day, children are engaged in crafts, music and dancing, age-appropriate games, and preschool activities.  During preschool activities, toddlers are read books during carpet time, are taught shapes and colors, work on the alphabet and counting and color or trace worksheets.  Our dedicated staff also works hard to help toddlers master skills, such as, potty-training, using utensils during meal-time, beginning to write/draw with pencils and crayons and encouraging the development of their vocabulary.   Little Kids Playcare provides opportunities for toddlers to grow, explore, and learn which prepares them for our preschool room.